Other things that get made as experiments!
My ideal work life would be to teach part time and fibre make for the rest of the time. I'm probably the same as most people who make things it would be the dream to make a living from those makes!
Well it happens for some so why not for you or me?
So while we wait....what do you do to get through the reflective non productive times?
Me......I love just making fabric. I just make a piece for no use or reason.
This little number has a rectangular pottery vase/plant pot inside it, not in this foto tho! It sits on my en suite bathroom window ledge. I loved every stage of creating it just for the love of creating!
The base fabric is unbleached RTD calico. I wet the fabric and added silk paints in semi random blobs.
I then hand stitched straight stitches linearly in various yellow colour threads, thin/thick/yarn across the whole piece.
The next step was to machine embroider gold organza with variegated threads on top of the embellished base fabric.
The experimental bit came next...(!)...I cut the embellished fabric up into sections and also cut out shapes from some of the sections.
Last step was hand sewing the shape sections together and machine sew the fabric sections in a 3 dimensional shape.
I like it, doubt anyone else does tho!
Now this poor little ragamuffin no one else loves....in fact my niece nearly cried when she thought I was going to make her take Maisie (yes that's her name!) home!!!
I even ask my niece if she might know anyone who would love her (aarrr poor Maisie!).
She's made from old felted wool jumpers.
Not my idea....oh I can't find the book I got it from...I put it in my next post....
I think she's lovely in a mischievous sort of way (reminds me of my ESSpringer dog!)
Yea granted her colourway is a bit dull...it's very hard in my neck of the woods to get lovely unwanted pure wool jumpers. It turns out that only men have pure wool jumpers in muted colours that they give to charity shops!!
But for a 3 and 1/2yr old to reject her....I think I am getting dolly dementia like my mum!
So now I vented my despondency of trying to make a living in fibre...what should I be getting back to?
My daughters getting married and wanted the shabby chic touches, you know bunting and such.
I wanted vintage linens, lace and ribbon to make the front table bunting with.
What...so expensive....so I decided to make my own....I have a lovely sewing machine and is so under used....
And I really enjoyed making the vintage fabrics! (Can't show you yet as is top secret!)
So now the buntings finished I have decided to see if other people like them too....
That's what I'm doing...making trimmings....fabric strips with embellished edges...to sell. Well I will be if I can find the white quilting cotton...I've used 2 reels....I thought there was more....sigh!
See you next time!